Body & Soul Wellness



Christian Communities have most often been localized in one area around farmland to allow for subsistence farming to be preferred method for people in the community to survive. Here we are trying to develop a virtual community where all members potentially nationwide can share skills and produce other items for subsistence. These items can then be shared among the members to allow for the richness of skills to be manifest in the Church. We are seeking internal subsistence so that we do not have to participate in a worldly system that forces us to keep the focus off Christ. The secular community has gone into open spiritual battle with Christ and participation would be contrary to God’s desire for us to be communion with Him. We may choose to share our plenty with others, but it should always be for Godly reasons.
The systems will have a capitalistic perspective which is Biblical , but it will be a system where God’s values are never put aside for expediency. There certainly will be profit in these systems, but like our healthcare system all activities of the operation will be under the approval of the Church which will insure that we are always aligned with God. There may be some Church members who like the levi’s will take a vow of poverty but most will operate a business whose goal will be to make a profit. The profits will be used to maintain the health of those unable to sustain themselves as well for growth and expansion.
The community will tithe and it will be a full 10% of the profits from your labor , however each person / family will tithe directly to those in need. The Church will help us keep those in need at the forefront. The Elders of the Church will insure that there is always a Godly plan in place to allow those we help to progress in a direction that would honor God.

The Church is at the center of all aspects of our life and never stands in the way of our primary purpose of fulfilling God’s will for our lives. We all accept the fact that God’s Will must be determined always in a prayerful way to be sure we have given up our will to God. We always will fulfill our goal of keeping God in our hearts at all times.

The Church will be supervisory in all aspects, but will have no part in the activites and will not be the bearers of resources. It will be a free church totally dependent on its members for subsistence. In spite of that we all will prayerfully participate in supervisory aspects of the economic community. The church will attempt to develop by using human capital and God’s power to accomplish its goals. As much as possible we choose not using money as the medium of growth.
We will elaborate on the community plan in our blog. May God bless these plans and help us mange to grow in way pleasing to Him.
Help us Lord to wait on you will and direction.

Our Mission

To answer The great commission and to align our lives according to Biblical Principles and instruction..


Body And Soul Wellness
2401 North Point Blvd.
Unit 12
Baltimore, MD  21222
tel 443-503-6713
fax 443-503-6780

Copyright © BSW Church  2016.
All rights reserved.